There are Lots Of Decisions to Make

  • Size
  • Price
  • Location
  • Features
  • Style

Real Estate Professional
(Hopefully Team Kander)

3 Ways To Search…

  • On Your Own
  • With Everybody
  • With Somebody

On Your Own

  • Limited Choice
  • Private Sellers 14%
  • Real Estate 86%
  • Open House 8-10%
  • Some Sellers Don’t Permit
  • Best Listings Don’t Need

Results of On Your Own

  • Missed Opportunities
  • More Work
  • Takes Longer
  • Cost Of Waiting

With Everybody

  • No Loyalty Usually Means Minimum Service

With Somebody

  • Loyal Customer Relationships Result in best service

8 Good Reasons To Work With TeamKander

We Can Help you Find

  • The best home
  • In the area you choose
  • At a price you can afford
  1. Prepare you to look
  2. Help select best price range
  3. Expose you to whole market
  4. Select the very best
  5. Help you decide
  6. Present your offer Professionally
  7. Find Best mortgage rates
  8. Coordinate closings